Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Braving the storm

There is a saying..when life give you lemons..turn it into lemonade.
As for me .. as long as there is lemon..means there is a hope.

I had lost a handful of dearest peoples  a few years ago in my life or I might say..
They are all in their next phase of life before the judgement day..
It's a very long way to go before having an eternity life
The lost sometimes creating a void in this life
But this void is the test given by Allah

Allah made me learnt
To love them is to love Him first..only put Him first...
We are His creation
He knows what is the best for us
We only see things 2 to 3 or 4 dimensions
But He sees more than that
It is not easy to enter Jannah
Maybe this is a 'cleansing' process to my soul
By not depending on human so much

To my dearest
Aunt Nah
Uncle Man

they thought me through their manners
selfless and thoughtful of everyone in surrounding
generous and always there when in need
never expect anything in returns
the most caring
not uptight and fun
providing unconditional love

How I miss them so much

I thank Allah for sending me all these beautiful peoples
in my life

Till we meet again in Jannah and always wishing them to be in my dream


Till now,

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