Monday, November 23, 2009

Counting the days..

Counting the days..have two meanings here:
No. 1: To submit the thesis
No. 2: To be back for good
(btw..this is the first time I write from uni..tengah bosan bangat..)

Rantings on No. 1

I've done my part which I think up to the max already. Now waiting for him to give feedback. Then, I'll do my manual scanning (the most final one ..ohw please give me the strenght - if I'm chest button has started making its alarming sound dah: power dah nak habis); checking if there is any distinctive errors i.e. spelling, formatting etc. Then, printing the mock one - then send back to him (again??? duh..I don't like this..will tell later why). Then, printing like 6 sets of the thesis, binding and send to the main campus.

The point is my "superior" will be going to conference and will be off from this uni this friday. And I have the feeling that he's preparing for his presentation..and still wish that he can use his superior power to correct my thesis by today. He's very particular on grammar..(tak mau macam enroll dalam postgrad in literature..ah..sorry prof..dia dah publish satu buku in poetry tau - yang related to science pun ada). If..and if (I wish this is not true) ..tak sempat gua nak hantar by this week..the consequences are I got to send it after he comes back from the conference..lagi seminggu lebih la kena tunggu and will delay that thesis to be sent to examiners. main wish is that I hope to get back my thesis from the examiners before I return to my country in Feb. (which if this happens...I'll be veryyyyyyy grateful makhluk on this earth. Insya Allah!

Rantings on no. 2:
haiya..dah nak balik..cepatnya..
-kena pack barang
-kena pikir nak beli kereta apa ..beli kat malaysia sudah
-terpikir camana nak menempuh jam pi kerja nanti
-oh..umah kitorang..nak kena pasang grill..kimi dah pandai panjat
-terpikir camana nak control diet..mesti makan best2 kat m'sia..oh tidak..

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