Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It's 2009 oredi!

This pic. was taken last year in November. It's a ONE-STOP centre for my everyday total make over (duh..) i.e. my make-up table plus my study table. Btw, my bangle collections now increasing due to the last boxing sale. Almost all from DIVA. Just notice, there is a purse for my bussiness card too..gee..wonder why it is there..I haven't distribute any of them fo more than 2 years.
7 days passed new Year. Been busy planning experiments, reading and writing for thesis chapter 1 and a journal draft since the long year end holiday. Although not completely done, my supervisor had been chasing for them and I already sent them on the 5th Jan. The challenge is to do the writing and reading at night since day time was occupied with Kimi like playing ball and watching wiggle and basking on the couch. Too hot to go wandering outside.
Finally, it will be our last year here, insya Allah. Slowly, this is the wake up call to tune in into TWO things in mind:
1) no hanky panky but focusing on writing and repeating experiments that turned wacko, then submitting them by ? month (secret..while writing this i feel an alien in my stomach)
2) gearing our mind to face the real life at home: family and work ( the second is tougher in the sense of going fro 8am-5 or 6pm job..a chaotic routine)
Not much story to tell, will reduce travelling and shopping. Btw, next month we'll going to GC..we'd booked the flight ticket for ages. Hopefully kimi can be "tamed".


shook said...

Tq. Kak Hanan. Camne nak cari Kak Hanan dlm facebook yek? Dah lupa coz saya bukan jenis mengkatam semua dlm facebook tuh? Kalau friendster boleh add based on email. So apa-apa pun my email Good luck for your final year and during writing kalau stress jgn mare2. Sy dulu asyik nak marah aje masa writing..hehe..

Anonymous said...

nnt dtg GC jgn lupe singgah umah kat Brisbane.hehe