Saturday, November 1, 2008

Kimi is now passed his 13th months. He knows how to say deee (for daddy), ma..(for mummy), bird, sheep), mmmmmuu(for cow) or other mixed words which is neither english, malay or arabic..he..he.
He has also develops a growth interest in birds since we brought him to the nearby park. So, each time we passed the street next to the park, he would murmured the word "bird..bird..bird"..yes, very clearly. Now, daddy got to bring him to the park regularly to meet his best friends..the birds of all sorts.
Snatching a candid picture of daddy (feeding the birds) n kimi under the jacaranda tree which about to bloom its purplish coloured flowers.
Wonder what was the bird trying to negotiate with kimi.
Many more pictures..some will be posted by snail mail to our family in M'sia.
So, till now. Have a nice weekend.