Friday, March 14, 2008

Congrats to my siblings


We would like to congratulate our brother Aqil and little sister Seri of doing well in their SPM and PMR, respectively. Aqil "won" 9As and Seri "won" 7As. For this absent minded akak..I couldn't remember whether I had presented Seri with something or not. I did promised Aqil with a token of price (which will be handed through my other sister Indah)..and then I thought of Seri. Next time please reminded me if you guys (my siblings) deserve any tokens okey.
Congrats to Intan for completing his diploma in Engineering and Ayu for her new permanent job. To Indah..bottoms up to you too for getting a new path of carrier and a weekdays job only at last.


Anonymous said...

"Next time please reminded me if you guys (my siblings) deserve any tokens okey."
----> nak VW beetle boleh? =Þ

btw, aqil, dia pergi apply course 'senibina' under jpa. tak tau la sejak bila dia suka art/architecture... dia kata, dia takot nak apply engineering courses sebab chemistry tak dpt A..nanti takde peluang nak gie oversea... isk, tak tau nak ckp apa...

A Mummy Cum Scientist said...

ok la tu kot..bukan dia punya lukisan dapat A?

Banyak le VW..gua pun tak pakai kereta ma..sink sudah repair ka?

dah bagi aqil duit?

Anonymous said...

dah masukkan duait aqil dlm account mama....

sink? saya tuar dgn paip...
kalo letak sink.. nanti 3 bln sekali dia roboh... leceh laaa... =Þ