Saturday, December 29, 2007

Tok Man and family's holiday in Sydney

Tok Man, Tok Nah, their kids and my younger sister Indah came to visit us as well as having their holidays last month. Uncle Man or Tok Man and Indah stayed just for a week (17th-24th Nov.), while my Aunt Nah or Tok Nah and her kids extended their holidays till 7th of Dec. It was a great cuti-cuti Sydney (see the slides below-that's just part of the summary of their staying here). We were so glad that they came and Aunt Nah look after us SO WELL including kimi!!! That was a second visit from Tok Nah and Tok Man. Till next time shall we meet again...


Anonymous said...

Salam Kak Hanan... baby cukur kat kedai ye? Baiknya dia..kalau Hazim ... hai melawan..sebab tu tak cukur habis..

A Mummy Cum Scientist said...

cukur kat rumah..mintak tolong barber pak arab kedai bawah apartment datang bawak gadget dia. nangis jugak sekejap.

CAK said...

kak nan, saya rasa saya terserempak ngn auntie nah, syafiq, puteri hari tuh, kat OU.. tp klu nak tegur takut depa tak kenai..syafiq pun dah makin hensem skG..